Comprehensive Paranormal Glossary - Unlock the Secrets of the Supernatural

Unlocking the Supernatural: A Comprehensive Paranormal Glossary

Comprehensive Paranormal Glossary - Unlock the Secrets of the Supernatural


Are you fascinated by the mysterious world of the paranormal? Do ghostly encounters, haunted locations, and supernatural phenomena ignite your curiosity? If so, you've come to the right place. In this blog, we present to you a comprehensive paranormal glossary that will help you navigate the realm of ghostly investigations and supernatural occurrences. From apparitions to mediumship, we'll delve into the terminology associated with ghosts and paranormal activities, shedding light on the enigmatic and unexplained.

Unveiling the Unknown:

The paranormal has long captivated human imagination, fueling countless legends, stories, and folklore throughout history. Our glossary serves as a key to unlock this captivating world, offering definitions and explanations for a wide range of paranormal terms.

Ghosts and Hauntings:

At the heart of the paranormal realm lie ghosts and hauntings. An understanding of these terms is essential for any aspiring paranormal investigator (ghost hunter) or paranormal enthusiast. We explore the concept of apparitions, the ethereal manifestations of spirits that appear as ghostly figures or images. We delve into haunted objects that harbor ghostly energies, and haunted locations where spectral entities are said to roam. The glossary also covers terms such as residual haunting, where past events replay as if trapped in a time loop, and intelligent haunting, where ghosts interact with the living.

Supernatural Abilities and Entities:

Exploring the supernatural realm reveals a host of abilities and entities that defy conventional understanding. The glossary delves into the world of mediums, those individuals who claim to communicate with the deceased. We also discuss psychics, who possess extrasensory perception and can tap into the energy of spirits. Other terms shed light on the practices of necromancy, the ability to communicate with the dead, and telekinesis, the power to move objects with the mind.

Mysterious Phenomena:

The paranormal world is teeming with mysterious phenomena that intrigue and perplex us. Our glossary includes terms like EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon), where disembodied voices are captured on recording devices, and orbs, the anomalous spherical shapes often seen in photographs or videos of alleged ghostly activity. We unravel the enigma of poltergeists, mischievous entities that create physical disturbances, and shadow people, dark and elusive figures associated with supernatural encounters.

Crossing Boundaries:

Paranormal investigations often venture into other dimensions and cultures, uncovering diverse beliefs and entities. From the banshees of Irish folklore to the jinn of Islamic mythology, the glossary explores a multitude of supernatural beings with unique characteristics and origins. It covers subjects such as astral projection, the ability to project one's consciousness beyond the physical body, and xenoglossy, the mysterious ability to speak or write in an unfamiliar language.

Tools and Techniques:

Ghost hunting and paranormal investigations employ a variety of tools and techniques to capture evidence and unravel mysteries. The glossary introduces terms like spirit boxes, used to communicate with spirits through radio frequencies, and EVP analysis, the process of examining electronic voice phenomena recordings for potential messages from the beyond. These tools and techniques provide investigators with valuable resources for documenting and understanding paranormal activity.


The paranormal world is a captivating realm of mystery and wonder, brimming with ghostly encounters, supernatural entities, and unexplained phenomena. By familiarizing yourself with our comprehensive paranormal glossary, you will gain a deeper understanding of the terminology associated with ghosts and paranormal investigations. So, prepare to unlock the secrets of the supernatural as you embark on an exploration of haunted locations, ghostly encounters, and the fascinating world beyond our understanding.

The Paranormal Term Glossary

Afterlife - The belief in a continued existence of the soul after death.

Apparition - A ghostly figure or image that appears to be real.

Aura - A field of energy surrounding a person or object.

Banshee - A female spirit in Irish mythology that is said to foretell a death by wailing or shrieking.

Clairvoyance - The ability to perceive things that are not present to the senses.

Cleansing - The process of removing negative energy or entities from a location or person, often performed by a spiritual practitioner.

Cold Spot - A sudden, localized decrease in temperature often associated with ghostly activity.

Cryptozoology - The study and pursuit of cryptids, creatures traditionally considered mythical, folkloric or previously extinct. Example: Bigfoot, chupacabra, Loch Ness Monster.

Demonic Possession - The belief that a person's body can be taken over or controlled by a demon or evil spirit.

Disembodied Voice - A voice or noise that lacks an explainable source.

Ectoplasm - A supposed physical substance that is believed to emanate from a medium during a trance state.

Entity - A disembodied spirit or supernatural being.

Exorcism - The act of driving out a demon or evil spirit from a person or place.

Ghost - The spirit or soul of a deceased person that is believed to haunt a specific location or object.

Ghost Hunter - A person who investigates locations believed to be haunted by ghosts or other paranormal entities.

Haunt - A place that is believed to be haunted by ghosts or other paranormal entities.

Haunted Object - An object that is believed to be possessed by a ghost or other paranormal entity.

Medium - A person who claims to be able to communicate with ghosts or other spiritual entities.

Necromancy - The practice of communicating with the dead, often associated with ghostly activity.

Orb - A circular shape that is often seen in photographs or videos of alleged ghostly activity.

Parapsychology - The study of paranormal activity, including ghosts and other supernatural phenomena.

Poltergeist - A type of ghost or entity that is known for causing physical disturbances, such as moving objects or making loud noises.

Possession - The belief that a person's body can be taken over or controlled by a ghost or other supernatural entity.

Psychic - A person who claims to have paranormal abilities, such as the ability to communicate with ghosts or predict the future.

Revenant - A type of ghost or entity that is believed to be returning from the dead to seek revenge or right a wrong.

Shadow People - Dark, shadowy figures that are often seen in alleged ghostly activity.

Specter - A ghost or other supernatural entity that is believed to be haunting a specific location.

Telekinesis - The ability to move objects using only one's mind, often associated with ghostly activity.

Time Slip - A paranormal phenomenon where a person or group experiences a shift in time or location.

Transfiguration - The belief that a person can physically transform into a ghost or other supernatural entity.

Vanishing - A paranormal phenomenon where a person or object disappears without explanation.

Vortex - A swirling, spiraling energy that is often associated with ghostly activity.

Wraith - A ghost or other supernatural entity that is believed to be associated with death or dying.

Xenoglossy - The ability to speak or write in a language that is not native to the speaker, often associated with ghostly activity.

Zoetrope - A spinning device that creates the illusion of movement, sometimes associated with ghostly activity.

Zombie - A reanimated corpse that is believed to be controlled by a supernatural force, often associated with Voodoo or other forms of magic.

Anomaly - A deviation from what is considered normal or expected, often associated with ghostly activity.

Automatic Writing - The process of allowing a spirit or entity to control one's hand and write messages.

Changeling - A child that is believed to have been substituted with a supernatural being, often associated with ghostly activity.

Doppelganger - A ghostly double of a living person, often associated with bad luck or impending death.

Dream Walking - The ability to enter and manipulate someone's dreams, often associated with ghostly activity.

Eidolon - A ghostly apparition or phantom that is believed to be the manifestation of a deceased person.

Empath - A person who is sensitive to the emotions and energy of others, often associated with ghostly activity.

Ghost Light - A light that is believed to be produced by a ghost or supernatural entity.

Ghost Train - A spectral train that is believed to be seen or heard at certain times, often associated with ghostly activity.

Hellhound - A supernatural dog or wolf that is believed to be a harbinger of death, often associated with ghostly activity.

Infrasound - Low-frequency sound waves that are believed to cause feelings of fear or unease, often associated with ghostly activity.

Luminous Phenomena - Unexplained lights or glowing objects often associated with ghostly activity.

Materialization - The process of a ghost or entity becoming visible or tangible.

Mirror Gazing - The practice of gazing into a mirror to communicate with spirits or other supernatural entities.

Night Terrors - A type of sleep disorder that is often associated with ghostly activity.

Ouija Board - A board used for divination or communication with spirits or other supernatural entities.

Phantom - A ghost or other supernatural entity that is believed to be haunting a specific location.

Possession Trance - The state of being possessed by a ghost or other supernatural entity.

Psychic Attack - The belief that a person can be harmed by negative energy or spirits, often associated with ghostly activity.

Residual Haunting - A type of haunting where the ghost or entity is not aware of the living and simply repeats actions from their past life.

Intelligent Haunting - A type of haunting where a ghost or spirit is aware of the living and interacts with them in some way.

Scrying - The practice of using a crystal ball or other reflective surface to communicate with spirits or other supernatural entities.

Shadow Detection - The use of specialized equipment or techniques to detect and capture shadowy figures often associated with ghostly activity.

Spirit Guide - A spiritual entity that is believed to provide guidance or protection to a living person.

Supernatural - Typically referring to spiritual or religious matters, the laws of nature do not apply to this realm.

Teleportation - The ability to move instantly from one location to another, often associated with ghostly activity.

Thoughtform - A manifestation of one's thoughts or emotions that can be perceived as a ghost or entity.

Transmutation - The ability to change one object or substance into another, often associated with ghostly activity.

Truce Term - An agreed-upon word or phrase that is used to end communication with spirits or other supernatural entities.

Vortex Hunters - A type of ghost hunter that specializes in investigating and capturing evidence of vortex activity.

White Noise - A type of static or background noise that is often used to communicate with spirits or other supernatural entities.

Xenonormal - A phenomenon that appears to be supernatural but has a natural explanation.

Yurei - A type of ghost or entity from Japanese folklore, often associated with revenge or unfinished business.

Zombie Road - A haunted road or area that is believed to be inhabited by supernatural beings, often associated with ghostly activity.

Ghostly Apparatus - A device or object that is believed to be used by ghosts or other supernatural entities.

Astral Projection - The ability to project one's consciousness outside of the physical body, often associated with ghostly activity.

Cursed Object - An object that is believed to be cursed or haunted by a malevolent spirit or entity.

Demon - A malevolent supernatural entity that is often associated with possession and negative energy.

EVP - Electronic Voice Phenomena, the capturing of ghostly voices or sounds on recording devices.

Exorcism - The act of removing an evil spirit or entity from a person or location.

Flickering Lights - A common occurrence in ghostly activity where lights or electrical equipment flicker or turn on and off.

Ghost Hunting - The practice of investigating and capturing evidence of ghostly activity.

Haunted House - A location that is believed to be inhabited by ghosts or other supernatural entities.

Incubus/Succubus - A male or female demon that is believed to seduce and attack humans while they sleep.

Necromancy - The practice of communicating with and controlling the dead or other supernatural entities.

Orbs - Spherical anomalies that are often captured in photographs and believed to be the manifestation of spirits or energy.

Paranormal - A phenomenon that is beyond the scope of normal scientific explanation.

Paranormal Tourism - The niche within the travel industry where tourists attend paranormal-themed conventions and festivals, investigate famously haunted locations (or camp out to search for Bigfoot or UFOs), and join ghost tours or haunted pub crawls through cities.

Possession - The state where an entity inhabits and exerts a level of control over a living thing or object.

Poltergeist - A type of ghost or entity that is believed to be responsible for moving objects and making loud noises.

Revenant - A type of ghost or entity that returns from the dead seeking revenge or justice.

Séance - A gathering of people attempting to communicate with spirits or other supernatural entities.

Spirit Box - A device used to communicate with spirits or other supernatural entities through radio frequencies.

Tarot Reading - The practice of using tarot cards for divination and communication with spirits or other supernatural entities.

Underworld - The realm of the dead or other supernatural entities in many cultures and religions.

Vengeful Ghost - A type of ghost or entity seeking revenge for past wrongs.

Wraith - A ghostly apparition that is often associated with death or tragedy.

Yeti - A type of supernatural creature often associated with mountainous regions.

EVP Analysis - The process of analyzing and interpreting electronic voice phenomena captured during ghost hunting investigations.

Ghost Tour - A guided tour of a location believed to be haunted by ghosts or other supernatural entities.

Hellmouth - A portal to the underworld or other supernatural realm.

Incorporeal - A state of being where an entity has no physical form or substance.

Jinn - A supernatural creature in Islamic mythology that is believed to be capable of shape-shifting and granting wishes.

Inhuman Entity - A supernatural being -- such as a demon or jinn -- that did not begin its existence in human form.

Kinetic Energy - The energy created by movement, often associated with ghostly activity.

Levitation - The ability to lift oneself or other objects off the ground without physical contact, often associated with ghostly activity.

Mediumship - The practice of communicating with spirits or other supernatural entities, often through a medium or channeler.

Embark on a Haunting Journey with RJA GHOST TOURS!

Join RJA GHOST TOURS for an immersive paranormal adventure through our haunted destinations. Discover ghostly encounters, eerie folklore, and unexplained phenomena as our expert guides lead you on an unforgettable journey into the supernatural realm. Book your ghost tour now!

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