It seems like no matter when or where people are, there are always ghost stories being told. Some are to warn children against being foolish, some are stories of actual people remembered and passed down through generations, and some are simply meant to thrill. But there’s one thing for certain, humans seem to be connected to paranormal stories. However, believing in these stories and creatures or entities within them tends to be another matter altogether. Today, we’ll explore more about the paranormal beliefs in the United States and what Americans tend to believe when it comes to the supernatural.
Do Americans Believe In The Paranormal?
Seemingly, the short answer is yes. While we at RJA Ghost Tours undoubtedly believe in the paranormal happenings and love to share our knowledge of the inexplicable happenings reported and experienced throughout San Antonio and Corpus Christi, there are some who may be skeptical. Studies report that about half of modern-day Americans believe in the paranormal or supernatural, so whether you believe or not, you’re in good company!
Why People Are Starting To Believe More In Ghosts
According to one researcher, Americans’ belief in ghosts, the paranormal, and supernatural entities has grown exponentially - over 400% in the last five decades! But why do we think that is? There are many theories, but the same researcher claims that it’s mostly societal, and we tend to agree. As a culture and country ages, more and more history is told, retold, and changed by time, which can create many spooky stories as we know them. In addition, many believe that ghosts aren’t inherently scary, but instead reminders of those lost.
Psychology On Believing In The Paranormal
While many people may think that believing in ghosts and the paranormal may be superficial, these beliefs can be much more ingrained and complex than they might seem. Because humans as a whole are social creatures who crave togetherness, the pain of losing a loved one to death can be unbearable, but the hope of contact from beyond the grave is attractive. For others, the sheer mystery of death and inexplicable things is interesting enough to cultivate belief. There are many different theories and many of them could be correct!
Don't Be Afraid To Explore The Paranormal World
At RJA Ghost Tours, we invite you to explore your own paranormal beliefs and challenge whether or not you think ghosts are real! Talk to friends and family members about their experiences with the supernatural, explore (safely!) haunted places in your area, or stop by to
book a ghost tour with one of our paranormal experts. You may find yourself becoming a believer or confirming your pre-existing beliefs!
Experience The Paranormal With RJA Ghost Tours
Learn more about the paranormal happenings, ghost sightings, and haunting places of San Antonio and Corpus Christi with RJA Ghost Tours! We’re your source for paranormal knowledge, so contact us today or read through our blog to learn more about the spooky sites in our state!